Crafting Digital Experiences

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About me

I'm a tech enthusiast with a passion for web development, IoT innovations, and the art of photography. My journey as a master's student in computer and information science has been a thrilling ride filled with learning, innovation, and creativity. In this ever-evolving tech landscape, I've embraced challenges as opportunities for growth, where I thrive on solving complex problems and crafting solutions that make a real impact. Explore my work and experience the future I'm building Today.

Matej Horvat

BS, Computer and Information Science

Professional Skill Set

Frontend Development

I specialize in crafting intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces using a wide array of frontend technologies. From HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to modern frameworks like React and Vue.js, I'm dedicated to creating seamless digital experiences that captivate and engage users.

Backend Development

In the realm of backend development, I harness the power of Node.js and Express to construct scalable and high-performance server-side solutions. From crafting robust APIs to optimizing databases and ensuring data integrity, I'm dedicated to building the foundation that powers your digital projects.

Tech Consultancy & Innovative Solutions

When it comes to technology, I'm driven by a passion for pioneering new horizons. My commitment to innovation means you can expect cutting-edge solutions that push the boundaries of what's possible. Get ready to explore the possibilities of the digital age.

Recent Work

Pikado RealEstate
Web Application

Pikado RealEstate

Development of a full-stack web application for a real estate agency.

DragonHack 2023

DragonHack 2023

Member of the team that excelled in the biggest university hackathon in Slovenia, achieving the best IoT Hack award and the second-place position for the overall best hack for our project.



Development of a full-stack open-source IoT system for home automation, including custom firmware and hardware.

Web Application


Development of a full-stack open-source web application for personal finance management.

Contact Me

Have a question or want to work together? Feel free to send me a message.

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